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echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture


          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_      Today's structures for tomorrow's farms!

echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture| structura metalica galvanizata pentru fermă de vitei.Tunel bovine .
Ferme Conceptairnature| Ferme animale Conceptairnature| Hale industriale și depozite | ferme zootehnice| ferme bovine |ferme ovine| adăposturi animale | zootehnie Conceptairnature.
Fermă Nordiclair | Fermă izolată | Fermă pui |echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture
Fermă Baticlair |Fermă Conceptairnature|Fermă de capre |Fermă oi |echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture |ferme urbane .
Fermă de capre Conceptairnature | Structura metalică galvanizată pentru fermă de animale | Ferme de animale pe structură metalică ușoară | echipamente zootehnice | hrănitori | adăpătpri |totul pentru ferma de animale .
echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture|echipamente ferme de vaci .
echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture| Centre echitatie |echipamente centre de echitație .
echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture| echipamente zootehnice |hrănitoro ,adăpători,echipamente ferme vaci , adăpători de pășune , adăpători antiîngheț, ferme de animale , fânare,depozite.
Prin larga noastră gama de adăposturi și ferme de animale, propunem clienților noștri un genuine optimized, verified and experienced concept that responds to all types of projects.
​Pentru a ușura punerea în practica a proiectului dumneavoastră ,va acompaniem în_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_realization of the farmBaticlairor Abriclair™ ,în realizarea unui centru de echitație complet utilat ,a unei clinici equine  sau a unei clinici veterinare  veterinare_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Baticlaireste soluția simplă și rațională, care răspunde necesităților dumneavoastră în_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_regarding breeding animals.


Taking into account the growing demand for fully equipped animal farms, we have created at the request of our clients the department of ZOOLOGY, zootechnical equipment, shelters and farms. A complete range for the creation of farms is proposed to us by our renowned suppliers in the field .
In this section we propose the complete creation of animal farms as follows:
 Adaposturi,fanare si ferme tip Abriclair,  Baticlair ,Multiclair si  Everest  si _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_specific equipment
  • beef cattle farms: feeding fronts with free feeding for beef cows, or self-locking feeding fronts for beef cows, barriers, gates, containment cages  , VETO boxes, front boxes, cattle cages, aisle containment, feeders, watering cans, watering cans for pasture, pharmacy materials, wheelbarrows, forks, shovels, anti-insectr-anti-fly kits, electric fences and many other necessary equipment
  • dairy farms: feeding front with free feeding for dairy cows or feeding front with self-blocking for dairy cows, galvanized feeders, heat-insulating waterers, anti-freeze waterers, beds for dairy cows, rubber mats, squeegee plug, brushes for cows, anti-insect kits- anti-fly-anti-mosquitoes, veterinary materials, VETO cages, containment lane, containment cage, barriers, gates, electric fences 
  • sheep/goat farms: feed front with free feeding or feed front with self-blocking for goats and sheep, galvanized feeders or feeders for pasture, simple waterers with flap or anti-freeze waterers for goats and sheep, waterers for pasture, fences, front boxes, heating systems for kids, lambs,
  • pig farms: interior equipment for fattening pig farms or pig nurseries  , dividing panels, feeders, specific containment systems, waterers 
  • poultry farms (broilers, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ostriches):  feeding systems and watering systems, simple with manual or automatic feeding, grain storage silos, feeders, medication kits, heating systems, lighting systems, ventilation systems, cooling system .
  • farms and shelters for horses: complete equipment for horses in the riding centers section 
  • zoos : endowment of zoos with specific equipment for different native or exotic animals 
  • dog shelters: endowment of dog shelters with specific equipment 
Information about the o series of equipment related to the main activities can be found both on the pages of our website, on social networks or at the office.
Considering that our activity is constantly moving, new equipment is available for sale before it is available on this site, therefore we invite you to contact us, through the form in the contact section, by e-mail or by phone.


echipamente pentru ferme de animale | echipamente zootehnice | Zootehnie| ferme si adaposturi animale |Ferme Conceptairneture| cuști animale ,echipamente viței , echipamente ovine,echipamente caprine .
A new range of products are available:
  • mini-factory mode for processing vegetables and fruits
  • mini-factory mode for processing dairy products
  • poultry-rabbit slaughterhouse mode
  • cattle-pig slaughterhouse module 
For information about these products, please contact us!
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