Baticlair Multitunel the farm of the future!
Multinave trusses|multicapelă : they are trusses in the construction of which we use several modules (chapels, bays), thus being able to design large spaces, the multiplication of modules allows_cc781905-95c-de bb3b-136bad5cf58d_increasing production thanks to an optimized "Open-Space"
Each MULTINEF structure is calculated according to EN 13031.1
The trusses are made of metal structure: best quality steel S250GD, galvanized Z275 on both sides
All tubes, spacers, poles, connecting parts are produced in the factory.
8m x maximum 99 modules
9.6mx maximum 99 modules
12.8mx maximum 99 modules
3m-6m depending on the model
multiple of 0.5m .0.75m,1m ,2m
maximum recommended 120m/engine for side vents and/or in the roof
lengths over 120m can also be made
VENTILATION Manual or Automatic:
The ventilation system is efficient. Control can be manual or automatic with a thermostat or climate computer + weather station, temperature probe, humidity probe, depending on the model. Baticlair farms can be equipped -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in standard a ventilation system on both sides of several types :
by rolling, with aluminum gimbal, galvanized or aluminum rolling tube, anti-wind protection net, transparent film, to ensure natural light in the farm, as much as possible, thus contributing to the well-being of the animals on the farm_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
by lifting, with a rack with mineral wool insulation and lighting to ensure natural light
through LANTERNEAU (ventilation in the roof at the eaves)
through continuous lateral ventilation on each module, along the eaves or at the ridge with or without insect net
through chimneys with or without fans
green PE film 250µ
CELOBATI film 450µ green/white
truck tarpaulin 600g
truck tarpaulin 650g
insulation with mineral wool 80mm or 2x80mm
green/white sandwich panels 40mm thick on the facades and sides
FERMA BATICLAIR MULTINEFStructura ferma de animale :ferma vaci de lapte,ferma vaci de carne,ferma capre,ferma oi,ferma pasari,ferma curcani,ferma rate,ferma gaste,ferma struti,adapost animale | Ferma Baticlair MultinefFerma de vaci are pe laterale o aerisire care ne permite ventilarea optima a spatiului de stabulatie | Ferma Baticlair MultinefFerma de pasari ,pe modelul Baticlair Multinef ,ne ofera un spatiu optimizat pentru productia de pasari :rate,gaste,pui ,etc. |
Baticlair Multinefferma de oi | Ferma in constructieFerma Baticlair in diferite faze ale constructiei | Baticlair Multinefferma de rate cu echipamente specifice |
FERMA BATICLAIRferma vaci de carne ,cu dotari | FERMA BATICLAIRferma de oi cu echipamente | BATICLAIRferma vaci de lapte |
FERMA BATICLAIRSala de muls ,in ferma Baticlair | Ferma BATICLAIRsala de asteptare ,destindere si sala de muls | Constructie ferma vaci de lapteRealizata cu ajutorul modelului Multinef cu o latime de 12,80m si o inaltime la stresina de pana la 6m acesta structură de fermă de vaci asigura un confort sporit al animalului .Specialiștii noștrii asigură configurarea atât a fermei cât și a tuturor echipamentelor interioare |